Concerning Industrial sector, he is the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Cairo Oil and Soap Co. and the Business Unit Manager of Greif Egypt; a joint venture with Greif Multinational (USA) for manufacturing steel drums. He is also the General Manager of Hutamaki Egypt; a joint venture with Finish Company where they manufactures egg trays from molded fiber. As for the Agriculture and Land Reclamation sector, for more than 30 years, he is one of the pioneers in the land reclamation in Nubaria area, with a history of agricultural achievements.
He is the Chairman of Korra Holding (Consukorra), which works in three sectors Korra Energi, Korra Agri and Korra Tradi. Regarding the Energy Sector, Korra Energi has a balanced portfolio of wide range of energy related services. They are highly specialized in providing integrated,
customized, innovative and value adding engineering solutions, both in Egypt and the region. They have over fifteen years of experience in the fields of; Electromechanical Contracting, Energy solutions & Trading. They are licensed to sell and distribute electrical energy as well as solar. Korra Tradi has a profound history in the field of pumps leading with the submersible ones. Also works
in the field of refractories for the cement and steel factories as well as petrochemicals lubricants. Korra Agri specialized in the export of fresh fruit being the first and only farm in Egypt as to date exporting heat sealed punnets directly to customers in UK and Europe.
Besides that, he is the Chairman of Board of Trustees of AlKorra Foundation. He is also a boa
rd member in several entities such as Chamber of Food Industries, and the Egyptian Businessmen’s Association (EBA) and the Agriculture Committee of the Egyptian Competitiveness. He was a Former Board Member of General Authority for Investment and Free Zones (GAFI) (2004-2009) and former Chairman of the Horticultural Export Improving Association (HEIA). (2000 – 2003)
He is a mechanical engineering graduate from Cairo University in 1979.

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